Tuesday, 2 August 2016


We We did a lot of things in Irland like carriage riding ,boating ,we went to Dublin and saw a place called dublinia ( history thing about Vikings). We went to trinety college and saw the book of Kells ( which is a bible). We also went on a walk up the cliffs of moher and it was pouring rain with heeps of fog. We made our way to Killarney and went on the looooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggest walk but it was also fascinating. We saw a baby deer there the walk was called the gap of Dunloe. And we went to the Blarney Castle and Nate and dad  kissed the blarney stone I didn't because I didn't want to kiss a rock that has been kissed by other people and get sick. We went to a poison garden and saw the plants wolfbane and mandrake from Harry Potter. Dad also got some Guiness. Just so you know, we got a hire car at the start of Irland.

This is at the blarney castle 👇🏿
I am only squinting because of the sun.👇🏿 
We got a carriage ride. 👇🏿
This picture was taken on the really long walk. 👇🏿

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caitlin, we are doing another Pop art thing in art. It looks cool so far, but we are not finished. We are just about to play pie face. Mr Low will take pictures to show you when you get back. There will be lots of creame on peoples faces. LOL! The clam says,"Hi". We want to know if you tried any of the mandrake or wolfbane? we all miss you. Emmerson says, "hello". She asked me to say hello because your favourite word is hello. That's all for now. Keep having fun. from 3/4L
